CASE IN POINT video interview with host Bill Singer and guest Jenice Malecki, Esq.

November 24, 2015

November 24, 2015: Veteran Wall Street lawyer and publisher of the BlogBill Singer, speaks to Jenice L. Malecki, Esq., elder law expert and founding partner of Malecki Law, on the rise in the number of Baby Boomers being taken advantage of by unscrupulous brokers, why another equity downturn will likely bring to light more clients in "unsuitable" investments, the rise of affinity fraud, and what financial services professionals should do when they recognize that someone they know is being defraudedWATCH

  • NOV 24, 2015

    Elder Financial Exploitation

    Bill Singer speaks to Jenice L. Malecki, elder law expert and founding partner of Malecki Law, on the rise in the number of baby boomers being taken advantage of by unscrupulous brokers....More
  • NOV 17, 2015

    A Stockbroker Aunt's Expungement Battle

    Bill Singer talks with Brittany Weiner, attorney with Imbesi Law, about former Wells Fargo broker Donna Sabb, and a family feud that spilled over into FINRA arbitration....More
  • NOV 10, 2015

    From Stockbroker to Media Star

    Bill Singer speaks to the Reformed Broker, Josh Brown, on his history in the financial services industry....More
  • NOV 3, 2015

    Gilani on Market Volatility and Regulation

    Bill Singer talks with Shah Gilani, a market analyst with Capital Wave Forecast and Short Side Fortunes, on his trading career and how external issues effect market volatility....More
  • OCT 27, 2015

    Saving the Small Broker Dealer

    Not that long ago there were 6,000 broker/dealers registered with FINRA. Now there are 4,000. Is there a future for the small and mid-sized broker/dealer?...More
  • OCT 20, 2015

    Trends in Investment Banking

    Bill Singer speaks with Larry Nusbaum, partner at Gusrae Kaplan Nusbaum, on the return of corporate finance, IPOs and a new surge of debt deals from small and midcap companies on Wall Street....More
  • OCT 13, 2015

    Is Blowing the Whistle Wasting Time?

    Aegis Frumento, partner at Stern, Tannenbaum & Bell, on the "limbo land" that is the SEC's whistleblower program....More