Lt. Col. Elton Johnson, Jr. Announces Run for FINRA Small Firm Board of Governors Seat

July 17, 2024

Lt. Col. Elton Johnson, Jr., a Founding Member of the Financial Professionals Coalition, former owner of, and now, Non-Executive Chairman of Amerivet Securities, Inc., has been a Registered Representative since October 1977. He currently holds the following securities licenses: Series 4, 7, 14, 24, 27, 52, 53, 57, 63, 65, 79, and 99.

He is, and has been, a tireless advocate for diversity at all levels of the securities industry and equality for the small firm community. Lt. Col. Johnson is running for a Small Firm Board Seat to continue his dedication to diversity at the highest, Securities Industry level.

Lt. Col. Elton Johnson, Jr.'s extensive experience and unique achievements in both the securities industry and the military indeed make him a highly qualified advocate for the small firm community. His tireless work for diversity and his dedication to his profession and country are above reproach.

Go to the Financial Professionals Coalition News to read more about Lt. Col. Johnson.

Lt. Col. Johnson, Elton, needs your firm's proxy to secure a spot on the ballot and then your firm's vote. He's a guy who will be an insurmountable advocate for Small Firms and is worthy of your support. Please urge your firm's Executive Representative to submit a petition, even if a petition has already been submitted for someone other than Lt. Col. Johnson. IT'S THE LAST PETITION SUBMITTED THAT COUNTS.

Visit to learn how to send in a petition.